Monday, May 23, 2011

Kane Meenina Fry - Lady"s Fish Fry


1 kg ladyfish (kane)
Red chilli powder 3 tbspn
Corriander powder 1/2 tbspoon
!/4 spoon
Ginger and garlic paste 1 tbspoon
Chopped Curry leaves 1 spring
Chopped Corriander leaves 3-4 springs
lemon juice 2 tbspoon
chopped green chillies 3
All purpose flour (maida) 1 tbspn
salt to tast
Oil for fry


Cut and clean the fish keep aside. Mix all the ingredients and marinate the fish for 15 minutes.Add little All purpose flour (maida) to marinated fish for coating.add little oil for marination.

Heat the oil in a non-stick frying pan over a medium flame. put the fish pieces and brown lightly both sides.
gently lift the fish out of the oil and put it on a plate.

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